Happy Hour #71: Supercalifragilisticexpialipodcast - ‘Mary Poppins’
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The wind is firmly blowing in from the east which spells the arrival of the world’s favourite nanny, ‘Mary Poppins.’ An absolute classic, this show has had a fascinating journey from page to stage. As we team up with the Banks family from Cherry Tree Lane we discuss how Mary Poppins became a cultural phenomenon, work out why the show had to change during its run and work out if the new additions to the musical cut the mustard. Spit-spot!
Mary Poppins inspired our inner children to open the show today reminiscing on Rocko’s Modern Life and Wacky Races. What would be on your vintage reboot list?
If you’ve somehow managed to miss the original movie, you MUST correct that immediately.
The opening ceremony to the UK Olympics as some kind of fever dream but nothing more feverish than Mary Poppins squaring up to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named himself!
Mary Poppins has been parodied across all forms of media. Meet a few of our favourites: Mrs. Doubtfire, Mrs Featherbottom and Shary Bobbins. Do you have a favourite?
Jo from Supernanny is probably the closest thing we have to a real-life Mary Poppins.
If you’re a Mary Poppins fan then I don’t doubt you’ll have seen the beautiful ‘Saving Mr Banks’ movie but if you haven’t yet - get on it!
Here’s a nice interview from Stiles and Drewe that gives you some insight into their writing process for adapting Mary Poppins for the stage.
We didn’t even talk about it in the podcast but it’s safe to say the original Matthew Bourne choreography for Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is out of this world!
Stiles and Drewe have had a varied back catalogue of musicals, but there are some real hidden gems there! Check out their website to see some of their work.
So it’s Temper, Temper versus Playing the Game. Who wins in your opinion?
Today we establish that Tommy is Jonathan Creek. Any mysterious crimes you need solved? He’s your man.
If you’re around the West End this fall then pop those umbrellas and float on down to the Prince Edward. Jimi will see you there!
Charlie Stemp is an exciting man on the musical theatre sphere. Here’s a fun interview with upcoming West End Poppins, Zizi Strallen (equally iconic!)
Are you ready for the Jim and Tomic Musical coming this season?
A Long Running Quiz Question
What show is the world’s longest running musical?
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